Something Very Interesting I Just Discovered...

A few years after the beginning of time

So, today, as I was hanging out with Adam and Eve, playing a little football (they're both really good, by the way...I wish I had a pre-fall body!), it became pretty apparent that the fact that there were only three of us was making it a little difficult to play. And then Adam said, "Hey, who's that guy standing over there?" I looked and...hey, it was me!

Apparently what had happened was that when I crashed into the beginning of the Universe, my time machine broke and in the process, the ability travel through many times in the same space somehow got mutated into the ability to be in multiple spaces in one time, and this ability somehow got imparted onto me. Which is great, because this means that I can be in different places across the globe talking to artists who lived at the same time without having to travel back and forth too much.

In order to view my different escapades through different world civilizations, go to the labels section at the bottom of the page, where you will find blog entries organized by the civilations through which I foray.

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