Whoa! Creation!

7 days after the beginning of time

Goodness gracious...I was just fumbling around with the controls on my time machine...I was only trying to go to an art exhibition from just last year to try to find that promiseful young painter whose name had eluded me...and, well, I guess I lost track of time...ha ha...(get it?)

Anyway, my time machine came to an abrupt stop, almost like it ran into a time-wall. I climbed out, and it was pretty dark. Then all of a sudden--bam! There was light.

Over each of the next few days, every day, something else happened. First there was an expanse created between the sky and the earth, and then there was dry land, and then there were plants and animals--oh, it was amazing! It was like being submerged into an artist's mind. And now I think that we are--we are walking in the middle of God's painting still in progress. And so I accidentally became an art critic of God.

God didn't hesitate to let me know about this. I was pretty afraid at first, but he said since I gave him a good review, he would let me live. He also asked me whether I wanted anything. I told him I would like to get to know art better. He asked whether I was patient. I supposed I was. He told me he would let me stick around to see a lot of art happen, and not to be surprised if some pretty weird stuff started happening. He grinned as He withdrew into a cloud.

I don't know what that will mean. But I plan to use this space to write about the artists I run into.

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